Let's help you help more people!

Get the confidence

to stand out in

the coaching space and make your ideal clients queue to work with you!

Get the confidence

to stand out in

the coaching space and make your ideal clients queue to

work with you!

regardless of your niche, background, or coaching experience

regardless of your niche,

background, or coaching experience

In case you haven't realized it yet, your business

doesn't need ANOTHER business program.

It needs YOU to step into your power and confidently stand out, making your "competition" irrelevant!


A Deeply Transformative Experience For Passionate Coaches That Changes Everything...

Confident Changemakers'


A proven blueprint that will take you from blending in to confidently standing out to easily attract more perfect clients, make more money, and create much more impact in just 12 weeks

Have you ever wondered why

so many passionate coaches work hard without having enough to show for it while a few are making an incredible impact and income without struggle?

Is it because those who struggle to succeed suck at what they do or maybe because those who are taking it by storm have the traits that allow them to succeed regardless of their niche and experience?

What if we can teach your mind these traits and completely shift your energy to powerfully attract your ideal clients, make more money, and grow your business with far more ease?

Hi, Friend! My name is Kasia Rutkowiak and I am The Confidence Magician.

I help passionate female coaches just like you gain unshakeable confidence to stand out and become magnetic to their ideal clients, making their "competition" irrelevant.

I am passionate about supporting you in building your dream business with EASE (even and especially if you have no business background!) so that you can create the freedom and the impact that you desire.

As a mom of 3 and a bonus mom to 3 more, I am all about making our world better, for the benefit of you and me, our families and loved ones, and all the clients that you soon will impact.

Did you know that

82% of coaches quit their businesses within the first 2 years and most of those who stay,

never create the kind of success that they secretly know they could...

It is because they are doing it all backward!

Way too often coaches focus on...

  • Getting "the right" certificates

  • Perfecting their websites

  • Choosing the best fonts, colors, or titles for their programs

  • Obsessing about algorithms on Social Media and how many times to post

  • Sharing inspirational (and educational!) content

  • Following other coaches' strategies

  • Getting help from AI to add value to their businesses

  • Making their audiences like them (yep, that one!)

and doing all the things that they think will make them successful.

What they don't realize is that all the DOING, ACTION, and EFFORT are only as effective as their own BELIEFS.


If it was any different, then a single business program or training

would be enough to make you successful but it's not, is it?

This is why so many passionate female coaches blend in and way too often give up on their dream of building truly impactful businesses.

Not because they lack access to resources, trainings, and action plans

but because deep inside they experience insecurities, fears, and limiting beliefs,

that don't allow them to confidently show up, sell, and serve.

They let their brains keep them stuck in the perfectionism, procrastination, and comfort zone and their shaky energy is repelling new clients, more money, and success instead of attracting it.

Once we positively reprogram all that is under the surface,

doing the actual work from a place of empowerment and magnetic energy becomes EASY!

And that's exactly what we do inside

Confident Changemakers' Academyâ„¢

using the E.A.S.E Methodâ„¢

The E.A.S.E. Methodâ„¢ combines three pillars: Subconscious Reprogramming, Brain Science & Energy Work

When used in a specific way, it creates transformational shifts in mindset, subconscious beliefs,

and personal energy, allowing you to confidently stand out

and make your "competition" irrelevant.

When we combine these three pillars, you finally will...

  • create content that authentically stands out and becomes the most powerful magnet for your ideal clients

  • quit comparing yourself to other coaches and feeling like an imposter

  • confidently talk about what you do and what makes you different(!) in public, on live videos, on stages, and in TV shows (if you want to!)

  • release unhelpful beliefs around worthiness and money so that you can sell with ease

  • create more impact, income, and freedom, and inspire other women to do the same, leading them by a powerful example

Imagine what it would it mean to you to

  • Build a powerful online presence that attracts your ideal clients who are willing to pay you every single day

  • Never doubt your worthiness, competence, or the value of your offers ever again

  • Fully and completely release the fear of judgment and powerfully own your unique skills, talents, and expertise, regardless of "who is in the room"

  • Join successful coaches making 6 and 7 figures, working from all kinds of amazing places, and creating exceptional impact

  • Provide the best life experiences for yourself and your loved ones including retiring your parents or partner

  • Stop the DOing DOing DOing and finally become that successful coach from the inside out to grow your business with EASE

and now... imagine it happening in the near future...

CCA was created to collapse time of your business growth by making you highly magnetic for your ideal clients

but please don't take my word for it and hear what other ladies are saying

MAEVE FERGUSON - The Organic Scaling Coach For Online Entrepreneurs

Are you ready to grow your confidence, impact, and income with E.A.S.E. in just 12 weeks?

When you click on the button, you'll be redirected to my calendar and a few questions to help me get to know you and your business a bit better before we meet on Zoom

Still want more info?

Here it is!


12 Weeks of Lessons and Masterclasses

about all things confidence, mindset, visibility, authenticity, and building your magnetic presence to grow your business

Value $2950

12 Group Embodiment Sessions with Kasia

to help you BECOME that Confident Changemaker inside and out + hot seats to help you with any challenges you experience.

Value $2500

24/7 Access to an Exclusive Community of Female Changemakers

who just like you, want to grow their businesses and help more people

Value - Priceless

Powerful Audios - The Secret Sauce of CCA

to help you reprogram your limiting beliefs about yourself and your business on the subconscious level.

Value $1200

Workbooks and Scripting Exercises

to create awareness around your own journey, uncover specific areas to focus on in our time together

Value $200

In-app access to All CCA Content

giving you the possibility to watch and listen online and offline, wherever you are, and have access to CCA in your pocket

Value $2500


Training On TAPPING / EFT

use EFT (tapping) to deal with any unwanted emotions such as fear, anxiety, worry, procrastination, and many more.

A Q&A Tapping Call

An opportunity to practice tapping together so that you will learn how to tap on your own, to instantly feel better, more confident, or empowered.

Seven Tapping Audios

Access to 7 most useful tapping audios for online entrepreneurs, including the one to release FEAR, stop PROCRASTINATION, and powerfully prepare for SALES CALLS

The EFT bonus alone is life-changing!

Tapping Bonus Value $750

Style Secrets For Highly Successful Women

Masterclass with Personal Branding


Learn how to become more influential to attract your ideal audience and how you can look great in front of the camera!

value $400

Bonus Training

A 4-Step Process for Conscious Belief Change

To help you get unstuck with any challenge

in 15 minutes that you can also use with your clients

Value $200

Get off The Launch Rollercoaster

and Create an Evergreen Lifestyle

with Maeve Fergusson

Will show you how you can stop depending on seasonal launches and create a constant flow of clients and money into your business

Value $400

Total CCA Value is $11100

But that's not all!

I am so confident that with CCA you will create transformational shifts in business (and life!) that I am willing to give you your money back in case you are not satisfied with your results!

Check the Q&A Section for more info!

As soon as you join, start looking forward to...

  • Feeling more worthy, confident, and empowered than you have ever felt, not just in business but also many aspects of life

  • Comfortably sharing everything that makes you different from other coaches and deeply connects with your ideal clients

  • Waking up to DMs and emails from people who want to work with you daily

  • Working less (yet much smarter!) to create more financial freedom

  • Having more time to spend with your loved ones and being able to give them more of what they need

  • Never again taking on a client who drains you in any way (it goes without saying but I thought I would put it out here anyway)

  • Taking each next business-related program by storm because you're free from all your old fears or insecurities and can now implement all strategies from your new identity

  • Putting an end to trading hours for dollars by comfortably adjusting your prices to match the new, empowered, confident, and feeling utterly worthy YOU

  • Selling your products or services with joy and ease regardless of their price point

  • Excitement and ease when going live and speaking in public to all sizes of audiences

  • Having all the skills and tools to free yourself from all kinds of negative emotions or limiting beliefs in the future

Here 's what I mean :

When you click on the button, you'll be redirected to my calendar and a few questions to help me get to know you and your business a bit better before we meet on Zoom

Here's what CCA Alumni have shared:


"The first noticeable changes came in the third week of CCA and the worthiness work alone was worth the entire investment tenfold!

The old me is gone and it feels amazing! Now that I speak louder and have the confidence to rock the boat, new opportunities come easily and I have signed 4 high-ticket clients in 5 weeks!"

"The first noticeable changes came in the third week of CCA and the worthiness work alone was worth the entire investment tenfold!

The old me is gone and it feels amazing! Now that I speak louder and have the confidence to rock the boat, new opportunities come easily and I have signed 4 high-ticket clients in 5 weeks!"

"This program is great, and if you are willing to put in some time and work, it delivers AMAZING RESULTS.

I learned how to step outside myself and reframe problems in a way I never could before and it improved every aspect of my life including my marriage!

My confidence has skyrocketed and so have my sales."


"This program is great, and if you are willing to put in some time and work, it delivers AMAZING RESULTS.

I learned how to step outside myself and reframe problems in a way I never could before and it improved every aspect of my life including my marriage!

My confidence has skyrocketed and so have my sales."

"Kasia's program is truly special.

I felt very supported. The work you do helps you discover yourself and your stories, and doing so is truly eye-opening. I have completely changed the way I see myself and what I do.

Because of this, I now feel very confident, and my customers mirror this back to me."


"Kasia's program is truly special.

I felt very supported. The work you do helps you discover yourself and your stories, and doing so is truly eye-opening. I have completely changed the way I see myself and what I do.

Because of this, I now feel very confident, and my customers mirror this back to me."

Here are some highlights of your CCA journey

to the most empowered, confident, and magnetic self!

There are four phases which flow seamlessly into each other

as you move through the program and positively shift how you

feel about yourself and your business.

I. Realize

You realize what your limiting beliefs really are, how your brain keeps you stuck, and the fact that you are absolutely capable

(and worthy) of changing that.

Once you do, you are ready for deeper release...

II. Release

You release unhelpful limiting beliefs and replace them with beliefs of, ease, choice, confidence, and ease.

Once you do, your perspective and perception of what's possible changes and you are ready to redefine...

III. Reinvent

You reinvent your new empowered identity through energetic alignment with your most confident, authentic, and limitless self.

You also redefine your relationship with money so that you can make more of it

with joy. And finally...

IV. Radiate

You are ready to go out in the world to radiate your true authenticity, the value you bring, your gifts, and talents in a whole new way.

Your new light and energy start attracting clients ready to work with you, and your business can take off.

In case you want more details about each week, here they are...

WEEK 1 - Creating Awareness

Every change requires having the awareness of the current state because you cannot change what you are unaware of.

In the first week, we will dive into your stories and limiting beliefs and uncover what's really hiding underneath the surface. This will be the fundament for all the work inside CCA (that will help you in your work with your clients as a bonus).

We will also start first shifts on the subconscious level with your first set of powerful audios.

WEEK 2 - Understanding your brain

The second week is about understanding how and why your brain keeps you stuck and fearful and most importantly, how exactly you can get your brain to work for you, not against you.

This week you will also be introduced to a potent mind exercise that will help you rewire your brain to look for more opportunities, chances, and wins, exactly the way you want to.

As CCA students say, "THIS S#IT IS POWERFUL!" ;)

After this week you will start looking at any feelings of stuckness or fear in a completely new way and you will finally have a tool to do something about them

WEEK 3 - Releasing all worthiness issues

This is not just a business-changing but a life-changing week of CCA because in this week you finally get to understand that you can release any lingering worthiness issues.

That includes feeling worthy of money, success, or abundance, but also the best relationships, love, respect, happiness, and more!

As with any other week of CCA, the powerful subconscious work powerfully boosts all other activities.

By the end of Week 3, most students start feeling much more confident about who they are and what they do.

WEEK 4 - Embody & Recharge

CCA is all about helping you grow your business with much more ease.

This requires that you take proper care of yourself and always stay properly grounded.

In the first of two recharge and embody weeks, you will have plenty of time to recharge, complete any unfinished exercises, and focus on embodying the new version of yourself that you are slowly becoming, from the inside out.

It is also the week when some of your bonuses are released.


WEEK 5 - Creating a bulletproof success mindset

In Week 5 we speed up again to help you embrace a success mindset inside and out.

You get an opportunity to evaluate your actions so far and re-write the narrative of your business success, the way you want it to be.

Another set of empowering subconscious reprogramming audios comes to your aid.

Together, we deepen the positive shifts in the way you think and feel about all things success.

WEEK 6 - Kissing procrastination goodbye

Week 6 is all about showing you how you can, once and for all, stop procrastinating when it comes to the things that feel uncomfortable, difficult, or scary and start moving into action feeling free of all those negative emotions.

This is a major game-changer for many students who have been playing the "delaying" game and helps you move the needle forward FAST.

New subconscious exercises further improve the way you feel on a daily basis.

WEEK 7 - Ending all self-sabotage

Building on all the work from the previous week, we take all-things-self-sabotage even further to make sure that you go out of your own way for good.

This is also the week when we consciously AND subconsciously deal with the impostor syndrome so that you can stop doubting yourself, your skills, and abilities.

By the end of this week, most of the students have difficulties remembering the way they felt before joining the Academy and start sharing their business wins.

WEEK 8 - Embody & Recharge

The second of two Embody & Recharge weeks is the time when you again replenish your energy, get grounded in your vision, and focus on becoming the amazing new, confident, and limitless you.

As in all weeks of the program, you get access to me on the weekly call and daily support in the FB group.

There will also be some surprises coming your way :)

WEEK 9 - Releasing energetic blocks

This is a magical week focused on some of the most important Universal Laws and taking a deeper dive into the Law of Attraction to help you understand how you can help yourself attract more opportunities, synchronicities, and clients into your business and life.

My students love these topics and I love teaching about them especially since this type of knowledge and wisdom is highly sought in 2024.

I dare to say that this might also be the most important module of CCA that together with all the other weeks and modules creates incredible internal and external shifts.

There is also quite some exciting bonus material released this week and the subconscious reprogramming audios of this module are some of my student's favorites.

WEEK 10 - Making friends with money

This is the "newest" addition to the CCA curriculum, which was highly requested by the majority of students.

In Week 10, I will help you become best friends with money. And I don't mean just some money.

I mean plenty of money. The more the better!

I will help you release any shitty money stories you might still hold.

When you do, you will finally stop undervaluing your work and start pricing your offers from a place of deserving.

You will also stop repelling your success because of other people's limitations that you unknowingly accepted in the past.

WEEK 11 - Fully embracing your authenticity

Week 11 is when I will help you release any lingering fear of judgment and finally embrace all of your uniqueness.

A truly liberating week when you give yourself permission to be the most amazing coach and mentor, a true beacon of light and a vessel of change for your ideal clients.

This week will put your heart and soul on fire and make you love showing up!

WEEK 12 - Stepping into your new identity

This is your time to step into the most empowered, confident, authentic, and magnetic YOU that you came here to be.

We will consolidate all of your learnings and set you up with a plan to change your public presence forever.

At this point, the woman you were at the beginning of the journey is just a distant memory and you are ready to go out into the world and BE the Changemaker that you came here to be.

The end of the Academy is the beginning of your new chapter as a coach. And everyone will notice the shift.

Start radiating that new you!

Your success is inevitable, Friend!

CCA is NOT an online course

It's an immersive, fully transformative EXPERIENCE that will positively impact every area of your business and life.

It's a JOURNEY to becoming the most empowered version of you who is ready to confidently show up, sell, and serve.

It's an OPPORTUNITY to make the best of the fact that you can reach countless people all around the world if you dare to

It's a TICKET to creating the kind of impact and income that you have always secretly wanted to create but didn't think or believe you could

It's a WAKE-UP CALL that reminds you that you didn't come here to play small but to make a real difference

It's a CHANCE to make this world better by helping many more people and making much more money (that you love and make great use of)

The choice you now have is...

To try and figure it all out on your own, which is quite tricky

(if it wasn't you would have done it by now)

- or -

to let me guide you through a proven path to more confidence, impact, and EASE.

The truth is (and I know this from experience)...

YOU are the common denominator of all challenges in your business.

By now you hopefully realize that it all starts with you, deep under the surface, and that no funnels, strategies, or business plans can help you create a real shift in your business unless you shift first.

And so, it's where you decide if...

you will keep on doing the same things and experience the same results

- or -

you will take a different approach and upgrade WHO YOU ARE - your beliefs, energy, and confidence to stand out and easily upgrade and grow your business, as a direct result.

I wonder if you have already started to imagine...

how much lighter your business will feel, and how much more impact and income it will create once you release all limiting beliefs and have the right energy to authentically and powerfully attract many more people who are ready and excited to work with you

  • How many more lives will you be able to impact through what you do?

  • How will it feel to have a business that provides everything you need for yourself and your loved ones?

  • How will the financial freedom impact your daily life?

  • What example will you set for those who look up to you?

  • How will it look, feel, taste, and BE like to know that you can now scale that business to grow as big as you desire, with ease?

I could paint the most vivid picture, but instead, I will let you discover it for yourself inside the Academy

When you click on the button, you'll be redirected to my calendar and a few questions to help me get to know you a bit better before we meet on Zoom

Still Have Questions?


Who is the Academy for?

Confident Changemakers' Academy is an immersive transformational experience for female coaches, therapists, and consultants who want to create more impact and help many more people, while exponentially growing their online businesses.

It is for service-minded, caring, and passionate ladies who are not creating their consistent 10-15k months just yet and want to exponentially speed up their growth by cutting through the noise to connect with their ideal audiences.

It is for female online entrepreneurs who want to create a real difference and make more money but for some reason are still playing safe, questioning their value, or simply not showing up fully.

It is also for women who experience that more tactics, funnels, strategies, and business trainings are not enough to help them become truly successful in what they do

I would love to join but I don't have the funds right now...

First of all, let me just tell you that you asking this question reminds me of myself, when I was on the edge of investing in my own growth. At that time, I was dreaming of enrolling in a 3k coaching program with a coach that I was very much drawn to, but I did not have the resources. Plain and simple.

Just before the window of opportunity closed, I decided to become resourceful and FIGURE OUT HOW I could make it possible.

And I did.

That moment changed my life and I can honestly say that had I not made that leap, you wouldn't be reading these words right now.

What you need to realize is that as long as we operate from a scarcity mindset (not enough money or time), we make it impossible for us to change our current situation and we repeat it, over and over. Nothing changes if nothing changes.

The ripple effect of you transforming your beliefs inside of CCA will allow you to earn more money and serve many more people, so I guess the real question is - how much do you want to make it possible and what needs to happen for you to do it?

I don't have much time at the moment, can I join later?

We all have 24 hours in a day and we do what we can to make the absolute best out of it.

The question is not if you have enough time, but how important it is for you to TRULY start showing up for your business and all that you want it to be.

As you might or might not realize, we always make time for what's important to us.

This program will make it much easier for you to prioritize your own needs and manage your time, however - you need to join it first!

Yes, it will most likely be possible to join it at a later time but why would you even consider it?

In this case, saved time often ends up being wasted time as the world moves forward, and you stay where you are.

The choice however is yours and I believe that deep inside you know best what you need to do in order to grow and bring your business to where you want it to be in 6 or 12 months from now.

FInally, I cannot guarantee the investment level nor any of the special bonuses that are available at the moment.

What is the PAY IN FULL Bonus?

When you decide to pay in full, not only you do save quite some $$$ but also receive a bonus 60-min call with me, where we figure out your own strategy for CCA, depending on your situation in business at this very moment.

Once again, we are cutting corners on your own path to EASE :)

Will it still be valuable for me if I cannot attend live calls?

I am fully committed to helping you bring your business to another level and it is my priority to always answer your questions.

When you know that you won't be able to show up live, you always have a chance to ask a question before the call and receive the support you need. You can also use the FB group to receive ongoing support as you move through the program.

That being said, as our struggles and challenges are very similar, even if you are not on the call, there is a great chance that someone else will ask a question that you need an answer to, and it will be possible to re-listen to all calls as soon as you have time.

Again - you will have lifetime access to all the materials if you join now.

What are the detailis of money back guarantee?

Great question!

Before I answer, let me just say that we have never experienced a refund ask before.

It can be because we make sure that CCA is the right fit for you and that you are the ideal fit for the Academy before you enroll in the program.

In case you are not satisfied with your results, simply contact the support after the coaching program ends and we will be happy to issue a refund, provided that you can prove that you took action.

Refund Conditions:

75% of live calls attendance rate, complete program workbook finished, and proof of participating in the FB Group.

You will have 3 days after finishing the final week of CCA to request the refund.

I want to work with Kasia 1 on 1. What do I get as a VIP?

Happy you asked!

It is possible to work with me 1:1 inside of CCA, however, the number of coaching spots is very limited - ca 1 opening every 6-8 weeks.

When you choose the VIP track, we will meet weekly for private coaching sessions (on top of all the CCA curriculum) and work through your own blocks, challenges, and blindspots in a private setting.

This gives me the possibility to use all my tools, including subconscious and energy work to release your limitations often on the spot.

Furthermore, you will have access to me via a private communicator, to ask any questions and receive instant support so that you can move past any challenges in real-time.

I will also create your own, personalized subconscious reprogramming audio that will address your limiting beliefs and blocks on the subconscious level and allow you to create the shifts in a completely resistance-free way.

We'll be happy to answer more questions that you might have on the call, so please book it, and let's chat!

Book a free call

and let's get you to help many more people!

© Kasia Rutkowiak | The Confidence Magician 2024 | Terms And Conditions of Use | Earnings Disclaimer